Posts by Maxine

Meet the Urban3 Staff: Ori Baber, PhD

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Ori Baber, PhD, Analyst Dr. Ori Baber is an analyst at Urban3, a modest job title that conceals his many contributions to the firm’s work. Dr. Baber works at the intersection of public health, the natural environment, and urban design, with a profound understanding of the ways that marginalized populations have been distinctly disadvantaged. He’s… Continue Reading »

Better Graphs = Better Governance

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At Urban3, two of the first things we always do with a new town, city, or county government client is: 1. Dive into their budget 2. Analyze the property value in the countyFirst, we take the budget apart and understand where the money comes from, where it goes, and how it compares to macroeconomic trends… Continue Reading »

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As Urban3 continues to grow its client portfolio around the country, the firm has continued to add to its roster of analysts to assist cities in better understand their finances and land-use decisions. The firm, which celebrates its tenth year of existence this fall, recently added Gennie Gonzalez and Leah Handwerger as analysts. Gennie Gonzalez Gennie… Continue Reading »

Meet the Urban3 Staff: Kate Sales

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Kate Sales, Geospatial Analyst (retired) Kate Sales worked for Urban3 for a little more than three years, but her interest in planning, development, design and human behavior is a lifelong pursuit. “I have always been interested in maps, and figuring out why things are the way they are, and where things are, and why they’re… Continue Reading »

Meet the Urban3 Staff: Maxine Eng

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Maxine Eng, Marketing and Communications Assistant “It’s like a big bucket of yarn, and we get to untangle it.” Even in a firm known for its love of metaphors and colorful turns of phrase, Maxine Eng-Diaz has a way with words. Her description of what Urban3 does for its clients is certainly accurate — the… Continue Reading »

Urban3 Expands

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Urban3’s staff is growing, along with its portfolio of clients across the country. Adam Carr Adam Carr, a native of Central North Florida, has joined the firm as an analyst. Adam received his undergraduate degree in environmental studies and geography from the University of North Carolina and a master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning… Continue Reading »

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Josh McCarty, Chief Analytics Researcher Josh McCarty attributes his enthusiasm for urban design and development to this simple but powerful piece of wisdom — the indisputable fact that everyone does indeed dwell somewhere. Some of us are in dense, walkable, productive neighborhoods, some of us are in endless sprawl, and still, others are in rural… Continue Reading »

Bad Math and the Panther’s Path

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For years, Urban3’s deep, customized data analyses have been used to interrogate systems of planning, design, and land use across the country. In one southern Florida county, the firm’s work was used to quite literally put these systems on trial. Specifically, Urban3’s Joe Minicozzi was called as an expert witness on behalf of the Conservancy… Continue Reading »

The Cartography of Racism

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Redlining is a discriminatory practice that puts services (financial and otherwise) out of reach for residents of certain areas based on race or ethnicity. It created maps that reinforced systematic denial of mortgages, insurance, loans, and other financial services based on location (and that area’s default history) rather than on an individual’s qualifications and creditworthiness…. Continue Reading »

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