Just like other U.S. cities, New Orlean’s urban fabric is shaped by a history of racist policies and practices, including the redlining of neighborhoods. This exclusion from the capital had significant and long-lasting consequences for the people and properties affected. The ultimate expression of urban renewal’s impact in New Orleans was the construction of I-10 right through the heart of Claiborne Avenue and its neighborhoods. Urban3 believes that understanding the impact of various land use patterns is an imperative first step to building and growing a sustainable community.
Guest Speakers
As a designer and planner, Amy Stelly’s scope of work includes building and open space design, historic restoration, downtown and neighborhood revitalization, environmental planning, zoning, entitlements, site planning, streetscape and landscape design. Her advocacy work with the Claiborne Avenue Alliance includes spearheading a recent study of community health outcomes for all living or working near urban highways. Amy’s work with the Claiborne Avenue Alliance made international headlines recently when the Claiborne Expressway was recognized as a “an example of historic inequity” by the Biden administration.
Joshua McCarty is Urban3’s Chief Analytics Researcher and resident GeoAccountant™. GeoAccounting™, a portmanteau of geography and accounting, is inspired by the foundational geodesign work of those such as Ian McHarg. Just as geodesign seeks to improve design through spatial awareness, Josh’s work focuses on new ways to visualize local finance. At the core of his work is an ongoing effort to quantify, measure, and communicate patterns of urban development and the outcomes of design choices. Josh handles background work that turns raw data into relevant and recognizable patterns and is responsible for developing new analytical tools for Urban3’s clients.