This type of analysis enables our municipal clients to make informed infrastructure investments: how will new transit, improved streets or bicycle and pedestrian facilities create more tax revenue? These 3D visualizations of potential revenue can be instrumental during a comprehensive, downtown or corridor planning process, as stakeholders choose what types of new growth they want to see in their community.
For developers, having hard data on the added tax value of a new real estate project can be invaluable during negotiations with cities and counties, and help put local concerns to rest during public input sessions.
- Visualize and simplify all available pro forma and municipal budget documents
- Understand the future revenue impacts of proposed new development projects at the parcel level, by use type
- Visualize Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district analysis projections
- Identify the net municipal revenue impact of private development resulting from adjacent public infrastructure investment
“Urban3’s work helped us implement public policy to ensure a sustainable financial future, from changing our zoning to informing all new proposed development projects. We always do the math now, and our Council demands a data-driven approach. I wish other cities in our region had this analysis.”
— Matt Burris
Deputy City Manager, City of Rancho Cucamonga